Banner Greenham

Blue Gate

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Camp was visited by whoever wanted to do so. She would stay there the time she wished to. No need to announce plans or anything. She would actually do whatever she wished whenever. This is, camp was not some group's place. It was a wimmin's meeting place and an open community, and very importantly, somewhere you were not afraid of men because there were none and because when any would attack us, women would come in that person's rescue.

Although its origin was connected to the Cruise missiles affair, when I got there for years it had been much more than an antinuclear/antiwar event — it was a microsociety. It actually reminded me of the anarchist community experiences in towns during the Spanish Civil War — in the midst of violence, something utopian was being attempted. And it was there the only moment in my life when I was able to enjoy a world with no men: no men expecting you to do things for them, no prey to men in any way. This made it like a totally different world for me: a safe world, in spite of all our actions.

As there were no instructions, no plans to follow, each person contributed what she brought with herself, and she also absorbed all there was there. It was the freest social space I've ever been in. (Now the Internet is its closest — at least, the 2000-2011 Internet.)

The FireWe did try to make sure there was always someone at camp, because it was a permanent camp.

Some wimmin were living there more permanently, but even them had to journey somewhere with a house and a bath every now and then. Somewhere with electricity! So that is why people said "I'm on and off".

Other wimmin used to come whenever they had a holiday. They would rush to camp and exclaim, "Ooooh! It feels so good to be here", well, something like that!

And when winter made it dark at three o'clock in the EVEning!, some wimmin would come to bring us home-made dinners! Check out Food rota.

Some wimmin came for specific celebrations or actions.

Then there were wimmin visiting, too.

And every now and then someone wanting to catch a victim to interview.
