Banner Greenham

Blue Gate

En español

Back to The Fence

Greenham wimmin 'traditions' included decorating the fence, to remind everybody, on the one hand, that the place was hosting deadly weapons and answers to problems which included the use of violence, and on the other, that there were a lot of people willing to oppose war, while developing creativity, nonviolent action, solidarity and other nice traits human minds are capable of! (For info on recycled No Trespassing signs, click Trespassing)

In the Olden Times...

There were heated debates in the different camps about whether 'destroying' objects was nonviolent, so until wimmin sorted that out, they would enter the common/base going over the fence. This was done by throwing a mat or something like that over the barbed wire at the top and then sliding into the base, like in the picture below.

Not cutting the fenceNo bolt-cutters needed!

Magic holes opened in the fence. Base workers would fix them with a piece of fence and keeping it in place by fastening it to the fence section with little wires. In the picture below a woman is undoing one of those mendings to enter the common (michelle)! In the other pictures you can see some more mended holes in the wooded flank of the common/base (close to Green Gate), and then some more at Turquoise.

Going on an adventure!There's also a picture of some wimmin around the fire (Jane Bones, Cathy and Pam, plus reporter). In this occassion two reporters managed to interview a few wimmin! NB: in contrast to what happens in many activist groups, wimmin here would do their actions and the rest without counting on media coverage -- actually, most wimmin would disappear whenever media people came for a visit!
