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English words/expressions coming from Shakespeare!

Profe de inglés - 16-4-2007 at 21:00

Words like "puke" ( :potar.gif: ), "well-read", "useful" and "priceless" were introduced in English by adorable William Shakespeare! Tons of words, actually! Do you know any?

And tons of expressions:

All's well that ends well
There's the rub (Read about its context clicking on the link)

(One I adapted 'cause I bet Shakespeare would have!)
People get soiled in the working (the actual quote starts with "Man")

It's Greek to me (Read about its origin: )

Kids' Shakespearean Insults! - Become a cute well-read bastard!


Kids' Shakespearean Compliments! - Become an adorable well-read cutey!

Finally, here is a little glossary for Shakespeare newbies! (and not so newbies!) WHY? BECAUSE some of the words you think you know what they mean had a different meaning in his times! :huh:

Oops! gotta go!