Foros de secundaria

Hair! (all your questions answered!)

Profe de inglés - 16-4-2007 at 11:59

Antonio, Y3, asked what was the word for "patillas" and I couldn't remember, but here it is: Believe it or not, "patillas" is "sideburns" (the other option is "sidewhiskers", which makes me laugh because "whiskers" - though applicable to humans - is what cats have! - know the brand?)

Sideburns or sideboards are patches of facial hair on the sides of a man's face, in front of the ears. They were originally called burnsides, most likely after General Ambrose Burnside. His hairstyle connected thick sideburns via the moustache but left the chin clean-shaven. (Wikipedia,

Sideburns: continuations of the hairline in front of the ears
Side-whiskers: whiskers on the side of the face usually worn long (Merriam-Webster)

Hair tips!

Profe de inglés - 16-4-2007 at 12:03

(Snows, here is the answer to your question on face shapes!)

Choosing your style:

Hair FAQs from a website, plus a Hair Glossary!

More words...

Profe de inglés - 16-4-2007 at 12:15

"Pelos rebeldes" is "cowlicks", yes! hahahahah... look at the definition here so you can learn to describe its effects!

"Remolinos" is "hair splits (at the crown area)"

"Flequillo" is the "fringe" or "bangs" (a fringe over the forehead)...

Esther, Y5, asked "a capas", and that's "layered"

A few Spanish expressions & some ways to say it in English

doodah - 16-4-2007 at 20:30

ˇY yo con estos pelos! - And look at the state I'm in!
Me viene al pelo - It's just what I needed/wanted!
ˇEs que se te ponen los pelos de punta! - It gives you the creeps!
No me tomes el pelo - Stop pulling my leg!
Me viene al pelo, gracias! - It comes just right, ta!
Se te va a caer el pelo - You're gonna get it!

Por los pelos! - By the skin of my teeth! (better use it by itself, as I did) Read the strange story of this expression:
