Foros de secundaria

Useful sentences: saying thanks

Profe de inglés - 1-4-2006 at 22:28

Thank you for your prompt reply (cuando tienes prisa en que contesten y les presionas con lo de “prompt”)
Thank you for your interest.
Thank you for your work.
Thank you for donating your time for this project.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Thank you for taking the time to report the following link as bad.
Thank you for some very useful information.
I thank you for (whatever) and appreciate much.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you very much for your attention.


Nai - 10-2-2007 at 01:24

You forgot something like "thank you for your vote", it's good to be grateful so the votants may vote you again xDD

delcarbas - 10-2-2007 at 13:53

"Thank you for your vote" can be included in " I thank you for (whatever) and appreciate much", can´t it? If you don't appreciate votes, you'd better stop asking for them.:rolleyes: